If you want to stop participating in Thea follow the steps below according to your device:
On PC:
Remove the Thea extension from your browser settings and restart it.
- Chrome: Click on the Menu (in the upper right corner of the browser). Select the following options: More tools > Extensions > Thea > Remove
- Firefox: Click on the Menu (in the upper right corner of the browser). Select the following options: Add-ons > Admin. Add-ons > Extensions > Thea > Extension > Remove
- Safari: Click on Safari (in the upper left margin next to the Apple logo). Select the following options: Preferences > Extensions > Thea > Extension > Uninstall
- Internet Explorer:
- Windows: Go to Start and select the following options: Settings > System > Applications > Thea > Uninstall
- Mac: Click on the Thea icon in your browser and click Exit (in the window that opens). Go to Finder and select the following options: Apps > Thea > Move to trash
On smartphone or tablet:
- On iOS:
- Wifi: Go to Settings and select the following options: WiFi > blue information icon (i) of the networks where you have installed the Thea proxy > Turn off (OFF), under HTTP Proxy
- Mobile data: Go to Settings and select the following options: General Profiles Thea Remove
- On Android: Go to Settings and select the following options: Applications > Application manager > Nicequest app > Uninstall